Stretching - Japana & Pike Fold

  • A japana is a stretch which involves folding the body while in a straddle shape.
  • A straddle shape must be shown first, with legs straight - heels should be off the ground if the legs are fully squeezed and straight - and as far apart as possible. Toes should also be pointed and knees facing upwards. The back must be straight and arms must be by the gymnasts' ears. 
  • The gymnast then begins to lower their chest, head and arms from vertical towards horizontal. It is very important that legs remain straight and knees remain pointing upwards and toes remain pointed with the little toes closest to the floor and the big toe furthest away from the floor. If knees and feet roll inwards, then the stretch will be very limited. 
  • The aim is to have the chest flat on the floor along with the core with arms by ears, also on the floor.

Tips and Tricks
  • A gymnast should only go as far into a japana as they can manage without turning their knees inwards or bending their legs - any point past this will be ineffective as a stretch. As long as a gymnast is at their limit, it will stretch them.
  • The further apart the legs are, the further down a gymnast can get.
  • If a gymnast can easily do a japana, try raising their legs, allowing them to fold further. For example put their feet on a floor beam (a few inches high), then allow them to do a japana, reaching the point where there chest is on the floor. Keep raising the height as appropriate. 

Pike Fold

  • This involves the folding of the body from a pike sit, where the back is vertical, to a pike fold, where the back is horizontal.
  • Toes must be pointed, with feet and knees squeezed together - allowing completely straight legs - heels should be off the ground if the legs are fully squeezed and straight. 
  • The back should be straight and arms should be by the ears. 
  • The gymnast should then slowly lower their chest, head and arms from vertical towards horizontal. Legs must remain straight.
  • The aim is to get their arms past their feet and their nose onto their legs, with no gap between chest and legs.

Tips and Tricks

  • A gymnast should only go as far into pike fold as they can manage without their legs bending - as soon as their legs bend, they are no longer stretching. 
  • A pike fold cannot be taken further, as there is no way of raising feet and then folding further, as their legs will be in the way.
  • There should be no gap between the chest and the legs. If there is, you can gentle push the gymnasts back and chest down towards the legs, while making sure they keep their legs straight.

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